Bounce Watch offers an AI-powered platform that provides actionable insights on startup performance and helps investors optimize scouting process and deal flow management
Over 607K+ Startups & 44K+ Investors
Startup performance monitoring, tracking actionable insights, personalized industry news, and automated scouting for
streamlined deal flow - all powered by AI.
Expands your reach and reduces dependency on networks.
Get regular updates on startups performance metrics.
Assess, classify, and compare deals in your deal pipeline.
Explore and discover companies that align with your specific criteria and track their performance metrics. Check how companies are doing differently.
The automated scouting and tracking module expands your reach and reduces dependency on networks.
Bounce Watch processes data for you, providing smart signals and automated insights, so you can concentrate on investment decisions, not data management.
Bounce Watch processes data for you, providing smart signals and automated insights, so you can concentrate on investment decisions, not data management.
Bounce Watch provides real-time actionable data, making our scouting process more efficient. The platform's watchlist feature helps us keep track of high-potential startups effortlessly.
The insights and visibility Bounce Watch offers are unmatched. It has become an essential tool, allowing me to spend less time on infrastructure and more on building relationships with top founders from all over the world who want to work with TNW and be in Amsterdam.
Bounce Watch's platform offers real-time actionable data that significantly enhances our scouting capabilities. The watchlist and matching algorithm make it easy to find and track the best startups, even in very dynamic sectors such as web3.